Assalammualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera!
Everybody is talking about Essential Oils. It still new in Malaysia and most people still figuring out what is essential oils? Why it is so important and so famous among mother`s. Im here to clear out your mind about essential oils.
What is Essential Oils?
An Essential oils is that aromatic, volatile liquid that is within many shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes and seed and that is usually extracted through steam distillation
Minyak pati adalah aromatik, cecair yang mudah meruap yang terletak dalam banyak pokok renek, bunga, pokok, akar, dan benih dan yang biasanya diekstrak melalui penyulingan wap
- Life blood of a plant | Kehidupan darah tumbuhan
- Carry oxygen | Membawa Oksigen
- Helps fight illness, increase immune | Membantu melawan penyakit, meningkatkan imun
- Super- concentrated, high potency | Super pekat, potensi yang tinggi
- One drop contains hundreds of beneficial compounds | Satu drop mengandungi beratus- ratus sebatian bermanfaat
MUST have Essential Oils at Home
There are a few hundreds of Essential Oils produce by Young Living. It consist of Single Oils and Blend Oil.
Single Oils is pure Oils while Blend Oils is a mixture of a few Oils.
Here im list 11 MUST have Essential Oils to be kept in the House.
- PEPPERMINT – Helps and supports normal digestion for concentration, support nervous, respiratory, digestive and oral health
- THIEVES : Powerful oils to defend and protect. Support immune system
- COPAIBA : Oils was tapped directly from the copaiba tree in Brazilian. Supports overall wellness
- FRANKINCENSE : Earthy, balsamic scent. Calming. Support overall wellness, immune system and skin health
- PANAWAY : Wonderful for rubbing on muscles and joins after regular exercise. Support the nervous system
- STRESS AWAY : includes Copaiba and Lavender to reduce mental rigidity and restore equilibrium
- R.C : Invigorating blend that is comforting when applied to the chest and throat
- DIGIZE : A blend that promote healthy digestion and soothe stomach discomforts
- LAVENDER : Most versatile oils with refreshing scent. Calming support nervous, cardiovascular system. Great for hair, skin, cut
- LEMON : Wonderful support against premature aging, uplifting and energizing when inhaled of diffused
- PURIFICATION : Sweet, refreshing scent. Deodorizes and neutralize the air. Help uplift, calm and refresh the mind.
How to Use ?
There are 5 ways to used the Essentail Oils :
- Diffuse using diffuser
- direct inhalation
- Topical uses – directly to the skins
- bottom of the feet
- vitaflex/ reflexology points
How to Order
You may contact YL independent distributor : Nur Azura (aju) via Whatsapp to 012-4318211
pm via Facebook : Aju Atelier
Thank you